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How Did It Happen - Keith Wong (Official Video)
Keith Wong Music

How Did It Happen - Keith Wong (Official Video)

Purchase CD 訂購唱片 / Listen 收聽 - Captions available 可選字幕 Spotify: Instagram: Facebook: Dive into the enchanting world of "Intertwined," the debut jazz album by singer-songwriter Keith Wong. Integrating modern jazz, choral, and theatrical essence, each original composition weaves the complexities of life. Embark on an emotional and philosophical journey with Keith Wong and discover solace in a profound sense of peace. 沉醉於唱作歌手Keith Wong的首張爵士樂專輯《纏》的迷人世界。融合現代爵士、合唱和劇場元素,每一首原創歌曲巧妙地縈繞生命裏複雜的故事。精心構築的合唱編排讓《纏》昇華成令人振奮的人聲交響樂。與Keith一同踏上心靈旅途,在深邃的平靜中尋找安慰。 Debut Album - Intertwined - Releasing on 27th January 2024 首張專輯 - 纏 - 2024年1月27日上架 - Producer, Composer, Arranger, Lyricist 監製、作曲、編曲、填詞 | Keith Wong 黃峻傑 Producer 監製 | Sebastiaan van Bavel Vocals 演唱 | Keith Wong 黃峻傑 Piano 鋼琴 | Simon Gelsdorf Double Bass 低音大提琴 | Remy Dielemans Drums 鼓 | Marcello Saracino Mastering & Mixing Engineer 母帶及混音工程師 | Stephan van Wylick Recording Engineer 錄音工程師 | Hans Wijnbergen Album Artwork 美術 | Studio DNNK Digital Distribution 網上發行 | The Music Shell Limited Video | 錄像 Zsolt Szederkényi @PapperPictures Video Assistant 攝影助理 | Raphael van der Schaft, Juncai Zhang ©℗ 2023 KW Music - 本計劃由香港藝術發展局及Sena音樂製作基金資助。 This project is financially supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Sena Music Production Fund. 香港藝術發展局全力支持藝術表達自由,本計劃內容並不反映本局意見。 Hong Kong Arts Development Council fully supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council. - #jazz #album #singersongwriter #theater #choral #original #debut #爵士樂 #專輯 #唱作歌手 #劇場 #合唱 #原創歌曲 #jazznl #jazzhk
Dance Until The End - Keith Wong (Lyric Video)
Keith Wong Music

Dance Until The End - Keith Wong (Lyric Video)

Purchase CD 訂購唱片 / Listen 收聽 - 可選中/英字幕 English/Chinese CC available Buy/download/stream 購買/下載/串流 "Dance Until The End" Instagram: Facebook: Spotify: Dive into the enchanting world of "Intertwined," the debut jazz album by singer-songwriter Keith Wong. Integrating modern jazz, choral, and theatrical essence, each original composition weaves the complexities of life. Embark on an emotional and philosophical journey with Keith Wong and discover solace in a profound sense of peace. 沉醉於唱作歌手Keith Wong的首張爵士樂專輯《纏》的迷人世界。融合現代爵士、合唱和劇場元素,每一首原創歌曲巧妙地縈繞生命裏複雜的故事。精心構築的合唱編排讓《纏》昇華成令人振奮的人聲交響樂。與Keith一同踏上心靈旅途,在深邃的平靜中尋找安慰。 Debut Album - Intertwined - Releasing on 27th January 2024 首張專輯 - 纏 - 2024年1月27日上架 - Producer, Composer, Arranger, Lyricist 監製、作曲、編曲、填詞 | Keith Wong 黃峻傑 Producer 監製 | Sebastiaan van Bavel Vocals 演唱 | Keith Wong 黃峻傑 Piano 鋼琴 | Simon Gelsdorf Double Bass 低音大提琴 | Remy Dielemans Drums 鼓 | Marcello Saracino Mastering & Mixing Engineer 母帶及混音工程師 | Stephan van Wylick Recording Engineer 錄音工程師 | Hans Wijnbergen Album Artwork 美術 | Studio DNNK Digital Distribution 網上發行 | The Music Shell Limited Video Editor | 影片剪輯 | Keith Wong ©℗ 2023 KW Music - 本計劃由香港藝術發展局及Sena音樂製作基金資助。 This project is financially supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Sena Music Production Fund. 香港藝術發展局全力支持藝術表達自由,本計劃內容並不反映本局意見。 Hong Kong Arts Development Council fully supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council. - #jazz #album #singersongwriter songwriter #theater #choral #original #debut #爵士樂 #專輯 #唱作歌手 #劇場 #合唱 #原創歌曲 #jazznl #jazzhk
Yat Po Singers 一舖清唱《香‧夭》精華片段 Requiem HK Show Excerpt

Yat Po Singers 一舖清唱《香‧夭》精華片段 Requiem HK Show Excerpt

《香‧夭》是「一舖清唱」繼2014年於「新視野藝術節」上演並大獲好評的《大殉情》後,又一原創無伴奏音樂劇場,融合音樂、形體、戲劇、視覺藝術、文字創作的藝術元素,內容富有香港本土特色,玩味十足,連繫觀眾對當前狀態的思考,並透過創作推廣無伴奏合唱劇場的表演模式。 《香‧夭》的創作團隊包括作曲家伍卓賢、形體指導伍宇烈、合唱指導趙伯承、文字創作周耀輝,並由「一舖清唱」及多位客席藝術家參與演出,以人聲給香港道出一闕安魂曲。 香港的前世,讀書是求上進,不是求不要跳樓的;媒體是是非非自有公論,不是有人說了就定論的;買樓是可以按部就班地實踐,不是空中樓閣的奢談;好友該是無事常相見,不會隔空對著電話屏幕錄音留言的;貧窮也可以自力更生,不會失去對未來的相信和冀盼的。在面對漸漸失去的同時,在世的人也正迎接種種轉變。《香‧夭》是一個儀式,從安魂曲的進程中,紀念故人舊事,也回到當下,張開眼睛,反思這儀式的背後,叫在世的人如何面對著成長,如何好好活下去! 《香‧夭》 2016年6月17-18日 8 pm 2016年6月19日 3 pm 高山劇場新翼演藝廳(九龍紅磡高山道77號) 創作團隊: 音樂創作 伍卓賢 舞台指導 伍宇烈 合唱指導 趙伯承 文字創作 周耀輝 合唱演出: 黃峻傑* | 陳智謙* | 曾浩鋒* | 劉兆康* | 盧宜均 | 黃浩進 | 謝迦密 | 羅芷盈 | 何復加 | 唐麗賢 | 鄭希諾 | 王俊謙 *「一舖清唱」駐團藝術家 Forging a cappella music, physicality, theatricality and visuals into a new totality, the new production Requiem HK is our sophomore effort after the success of the first-of-its-kind theatre work ‘Our Immortal Cantata’ (大殉情), which was enlisted also in the New Vision Festival in 2014. Not only the expansion in the reach for a cappella music though adventurous theatre setting, but also the reflections on our status quo brought forth through our quirky inventive and original programming are the quintessence of this long-anticipated new production. Yat Po Singers is pleased to present a new work Requiem HK (《香‧夭》) in its Hong Kong première at the Ko Shan Theatre New Wing Auditorium in June from 17-19th. Our finest vocal troupe, outstanding guest vocalists and esteemed lyricist Chow-Yiu Fai altogether with creative headmaster trio, composer Ng Cheuk-yin, choral director Patrick Chiu and stage director Yuri Ng, will bring Requiem HK to life in a mesmerising trance, entailing its innate power to console. The previous incarnation of Hong Kong deserves some of the nostalgic; Gone were the days when diligence had a pay-off; mass media made fair judgement; owning a house was achievable little by little; amity was built upon face-to-face confrontation and nothing to be ashamed of being poor. Our nostalgic is coupled with deprecation of the way things shape up in present time where diligence could drive you into a corner, public opinion is harnessed by one-sided reporting, owning a house is little more than froth, a full-on embrace of techno-gadgets isolates us from the actual touch with real people and poverty plunges us into an abyss of despair. While we reckon our tremendous loss in those shifts, we are ready for more shifts to transpire. Requiem HK, a soul-soothing sensual experience not for the dead but for life and the living, deals with the transience of life, the remembrance of things past, the need for a final resolution and the prophecy of hope for the future. Requiem HK 17th-18th June 2016, 8 pm 19th June 2016, 3 pm Ko Shan Theatre New Wing Auditorium (77 Ko Shan Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon) Production Team: Composer Ng Cheuk-yin Stage Director Yuri Ng Choral Director Patrick Chiu Creative Writing Chow Yiu-fai Choral Performers: Keith Wong*| Raoul Chan* | Ronald Tsang* | Sam Lau* | Anna Lo | Gilbert Wong | Carmel Tse | Joyce Law | Karis Ho | Lilian Tong Samuel Cheng | Samuel Wong *Resident Artist of Yat Po Singers
一舖清唱 a cappella 音樂劇《大殉情》精彩片段曝光

一舖清唱 a cappella 音樂劇《大殉情》精彩片段曝光

一舖清唱《大殉情》重演 "Our Immortal Cantata" Re-run #來回地獄又折返人間 #笑死冇命賠 只演三場!火速搶票! 2014年香港新視野藝術節首演獲高度評價! One of the highlights of the New Vision Arts Festival 2014 絕對不能錯過!一舖清唱再度夥拍作曲家#高世章、填詞人#岑偉宗,帶來輕鬆創新、悲情又奇情,解構殉情何物的無伴奏音樂劇場! Local performing group Yat Po Singers together with composer Leon Ko and lyricist Chris Shum will present a fun and inspiring a cappella theatre “Our Immortal Cantata” reasoning if it is worth dying for love which you cannot miss! 一齣融合音樂、形體、戲曲及戲劇的無伴奏合唱音樂劇場作品。古往今來,發生過幾多轟轟烈烈之殉情事件,就在「地下十八層」綜藝節目《殉情不得了》的大舞臺,一眾往生的殉情男女,魂兮歸來大比拼,載歌載舞、述言論志,以證明自已係死得其所、死得偉大! 現公布《殉情不得了》最後五強名單︰ 羅密歐、茱麗葉 梁山伯、祝英台 蝴蝶夫人 長平公主、世顯駙馬 如花、十二少 嘩!經過幕前幕後激烈的競爭,到底鹿死誰手,真係入場至知! Spectacular music and literature have been written for men and women who committed suicides in the name of love. The Butterfly Lovers, Romeo and Juliet, Madame Butterfly, Princess Changping and her consort Zhou Shixian as well as Yu Fa and her lover Sub Yee Siu are all up against each other in The Greatest Suicide For Love, an underworld contest not unlike The Voice. Through song and dance, cat fights and most of all, a divine belief in their sacrifices, these nether folks hold nothing back to claim the winning title and be truly immortalized. 意念作曲 Concept/Composer 高世章 Leon Ko 編劇填詞 Playwright/Lyrics 岑偉宗 Chris Shum 舞台指導 Stage Director 伍宇烈 Yuri Ng 合唱指導 Choral Director 趙伯承 Patrick Chiu 合唱演出 Choral Performers 陳智謙* | 劉兆康* | 曾浩鋒* | 黃峻傑* 劉榮豐 | 盧宜均 | 謝瑞琼 | 黃浩進 | 余菁華 Raoul Chan* | Sam Lau* | Ronald Tsang* | Keith Wong* Rick Lau | Anna Lo | Lianna Tse | Gilbert Wong | Fiona Yee (*駐團藝術家 Resident Artists) 9 -10.12.2016 五-六 Fri & Sat 8pm 11.12.2016 日 Sun 3pm 高山劇場新翼演藝廳 Ko Shan Theatre New Wing Auditorium $260 / $180 / $130 粵語演出 In Cantonese 門票現於城市售票網發售 Tickets available NOW at URBTIX 網上購票 Internet Booking 流動購票應用程式 Mobile Ticketing App My URBTIX 票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiry 3761 6661 信用卡電話購票 Telephone Credit Card Booking 2111 5999 節目查詢 Programme Enquiry 2154 4233 / 折扣優惠 Discount Scheme 全日制學生、60歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人、綜合社會保障援助受惠人士半價優惠。數量有限,先到先得,額滿即止。 Half-price tickets are available for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 and above, people with disabilities and the minder and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients. Half-price tickets are available on a first-come-first-served basis. 每次購買4-9張正價門票,可享9折優惠;10張或以上正價門票,可享8折優惠。 10% discount for each purchase of 4-9 full-price tickets; 20% discount for each purchase of 10 or more full-price tickets. #acappella #theatre #music #vocal #hongkong #musical #yatposingers #art #singing #無伴奏 #合唱 #清唱 #音樂 #香港 #舞台劇 #音樂劇 #一舖清唱
Yat Po Singers 一舖清唱《大殉情》2014 精華片段 Our Immortal Cantata 2014 Show Excerpt

Yat Po Singers 一舖清唱《大殉情》2014 精華片段 Our Immortal Cantata 2014 Show Excerpt

2014年香港新視野藝術節首演獲高度評價🎉🎉! One of the highlights of the New Vision Arts Festival 2014! 絕對不能錯過!一舖清唱再度夥拍作曲家高世章、填詞人岑偉宗,帶來輕鬆創新、悲情又奇情,解構殉情何物的無伴奏音樂劇場! Local performing group Yat Po Singers together with composer Leon Ko and lyricist Chris Shum will present a fun and inspiring a cappella theatre “Our Immortal Cantata” reasoning if it is worth dying for love which you cannot miss! 2014年香港新視野藝術節首演獲高度評價,一齣融合音樂、形體、戲曲及戲劇的無伴奏合唱音樂劇場作品。古往今來,發生過幾多轟轟烈烈之殉情事件,就在綜藝節目《殉情不得了》的大舞臺,一眾往生的殉情男女,魂兮歸來大比拼,載歌載舞、述言論志,以證明自已係死得其所、死得偉大。經過幕前幕後激烈的競爭,到底鹿死誰手,真係入場至知。 Spectacular music and literature have been written for men and women who committed suicides in the name of love. The Butterfly Lovers, Romeo and Juliet, Madame Butterfly, Princess Changping and her consort Zhou Shixian as well as Yu Fa and her lover Sub Yee Siu are all up against each other in The Greatest Suicide For Love, an underworld contest not unlike The Voice. Through song and dance, cat fights and most of all, a divine belief in their sacrifices, these nether folks hold nothing back to claim the winning title and be truly immortalized. 意念作曲 Concept/Composer 高世章 Leon Ko 編劇填詞 Playwright/Lyrics 岑偉宗 Chris Shum 舞台指導 Stage Director 伍宇烈 Yuri Ng 合唱指導 Choral Director 趙伯承 Patrick Chiu 合唱演出 Choral Performers 陳智謙* | 劉兆康* | 曾浩鋒* | 黃峻傑* | 劉榮豐 | 盧宜均 | 謝瑞琼 | 黃浩進 | 余菁華 Raoul Chan* | Sam Lau* | Ronald Tsang* | Keith Wong* | Rick Lau | Anna Lo | Lianna Tse | Gilbert Wong | Fiona Yee *駐團藝術家 Resident Artists 一舖清唱《大殉情》重演 "Our Immortal Cantata" Re-run #鬥死得偉大 👻 #笑死冇命賠 👻 9 - 10. 12. 2016 五-六 Fri & Sat 8pm 11. 12. 2016 日Sun 3pm 高山劇場新翼演藝廳 (地址:高山劇場 | 九龍紅磡高山道77號) Ko Shan Theatre New Wing Auditorium (Address: Ko Shan Theatre | 77 Ko Shan Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon) $260 / $180 / $130 粵語演出 In Cantonese 門票現於城市售票網發售 Tickets available NOW at URBTIX 網上購票Tickets: 網上購票 Internet Booking 流動購票應用程式 Mobile Ticketing App My URBTIX 票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiry 3761 6661 信用卡電話購票 Telephone Credit Card Booking 2111 5999 節目查詢 Programme Enquiry 2154 4233 / 折扣優惠 Discount Scheme 全日制學生、60歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人、綜合社會保障援助受惠人士半價優惠。數量有限,先到先得,額滿即止。 Half-price tickets are available for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 and above, people with disabilities and the minder and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients. Half-price tickets are available on a first-come-first-served basis. 每次購買4-9張正價門票,可享9折優惠;10張或以上正價門票,可享8折優惠。 10% discount for each purchase of 4-9 full-price tickets; 20% discount for each purchase of 10 or more full-price tickets. #acappella #theatre #music #vocal #hongkong #musical #yatposingers #art #singing #無伴奏 #合唱 #清唱 #音樂 #香港 #舞台劇 #音樂劇 #一舖清唱
WE Dance舞‧會 WE Dance Finale - One Man A Cappella by Keith Wong
Keith Wong Music

WE Dance舞‧會 WE Dance Finale - One Man A Cappella by Keith Wong

Film scoring for West Kowloon Cultural District's WE Dance Finale promotional video. Music is composed, recorded and mixed by Keith Wong. One man a cappella - no instruments were used. All sounds were created by his voice or body percussion. #acappella #multitrack - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 【#WEDance #人人起舞】WE Dance舞‧會 WE Dance Finale 一個關於你和我的故事:跳舞,同生活似乎毫無關係。但只要加啲想像,加啲好奇,加啲玩味,願意踏出第一步,總會搵到舞蹈嘅「食糊」方法,享受當中嘅無限樂趣。 2月11號,一齊嚟「WE Dance舞‧會」,西九將會聯同多個本地及海外舞蹈團體由早跳到晚,由探戈到拉丁,由西方舞到芭蕾舞,一連十小時與大家分享舞動之樂!同場仲有「人人舞館」俾大家show off 你對舞蹈嘅熱愛!現正徵集活力四射嘅表演團體,名額有限,先到先得,立即報名: Whether dance is part of your daily life or not, you too can be part of our ten-hour WE Dance Finale marathon. Simply join us on 11 February and let WE Dance help you find your groove! Come enjoy non-stop showcases by local and international troupes and dancers, as well as fun, interactive workshops where you can try out a variety of dance forms – from tango and latin social dance to western folk and ballet. We are now seeking enthusiastic and energetic performing groups to be part of our WE Dance Finale Party. Register NOW to show off your talents at Dance Hall. Be a star as the city gathers just to dance! (Limited places, first come, first served): WE Dance舞‧會 WE Dance Finale (11.2.2018) 西九苗圃公園大圓表演場地 Big Circle, West Kowloon Nursery Park #自由約 #FreespaceHappening School of Dance - Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Hong Kong Ballet Hong Kong Dance Federation 香港舞蹈總會 HKDF K&B Dance Company Raymond y Lily, Otrotango Dance Studio
一舖清唱 Yat Po Singers - 2016 賀年歌《新年財》MV

一舖清唱 Yat Po Singers - 2016 賀年歌《新年財》MV

《新年財》 原曲 頂頭鎚 作曲 Composer 高世章 Leon Ko 作詞 Lyricist 岑偉宗 Chris Shum 編曲 Music Arranger 陳智謙 Raoul Chan 想拍拖嘅好眼利 睼中一個啱你 想結婚嘅祝你地 唔會變味 想放手嘅等到未 開個好價畀你  想上車嘅多儲備 唔怕無地 想退休嘅可以未 即刻飛去峇里 雙腳走遍天與地 陪下我地 新年財 一齊來大唱新年財 高興到拍枱 一舖清唱罷 巡迴耀四海 新年財 開年時大唱 新年財  一場濃情聚滿厚愛 搭下嗲確係自在 當你跨進新世代 衰嘢都會坎蓋  一切好嘢都會在 仍然未改 當你跨進新世代 衰嘢都會坎蓋 一切好嘢都會在 仍然未改 同你永在 橫財入下袋 報喜 恭喜 創作團隊 Creative Team [一舖清唱 Yat Po Singers] 陳智謙、劉兆康、曾浩鋒、黃峻傑 Raoul Chan, Sam Lau, Ronald Tsang, Keith Wong [導演 Director] 秦紹良 Ziv Chun [藝術總監 Artistic Director] 趙伯承 Patrick Chiu [音樂後期製作 Audio Mixing] 伍卓賢 Yin Ng [服裝及形象設計 Costume and Styling Designer] 鄭慧瑩Carmen Cheng [髮型設計 Hair Stylist] Nasaki Chu @ ST Private I [化妝 Make Up Artist] Jadeson Fu 鳴謝Acknowledgement [Footwear Sponsor] Palladium Agnes Hui Alice Yung Barbie Wong Breveda Lo Caleb Yow Cara Wong Celia Sham Connie Leung Fabien Yip Ivy Chung Mandy Tong Natalie Ting Ronald Chan Stephen Tsui Sukie Cheng Tim Wai Wendy Chan Mak's Family Friends of Wong Nai Chung Market 一舖清唱獲香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」的躍進資助
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